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Multi-tenant AI-native todo list app with Nile

This template shows how to use Nile with NextJS for a multi-tenant AI-native TODO list application.

Use Case

Multi-tenant AI-native todo list app with Nile and NextJS 13

This template shows how to use Nile with NextJS 13 for a multi-tenant AI-native todo list application.

Deploy your own

Getting Started

1. Create a new database

Sign up for an invite to Nile if you don't have one already and choose "Yes, let's get started". Follow the prompts to create a new workspace and a database.

2. Create todo table

After you created a database, you will land in Nile's query editor. Since our application requires a table for storing all the "todos" this is a good time to create one:

create table todos (id uuid DEFAULT (gen_random_uuid()), tenant_id uuid, title varchar(256), estimate varchar(256), embedding vector(768), complete boolean);

If all went well, you'll see the new table in the panel on the left hand side of the query editor. You can also see Nile's built-in tenant table next to it.

3. Getting credentials

In the left-hand menu, click on "Settings" and then select "Credentials". Generate credentials and keep them somewhere safe. These give you access to the database.

4. 3rd party credentials

This example uses AI chat and embedding models to generate automated time estimates for each task in the todo list. In order to use this functionality, you will need access to models from a vendor with OpenAI compatible APIs. Make sure you have an API key, API base URL and the names of the models you'll want to use.

5. Setting the environment

If you haven't cloned this project yet, now will be an excellent time to do so. Since it uses NextJS, we can use create-next-app for this:

npx create-next-app -e nile-todo
cd nile-todo

Rename .env.local.example to .env.local, and fill in the username and password with the credentials you picked up in the previous step. As well as the API key, URL and model names.

It should look something like this (you can see that I used Fireworks as the vendor, but you can use OpenAI or any compatible vendor):

# Private env vars that should never show up in the browser
# These are used by the server to connect to Nile database
NILE_USER = "0190995c-44ab-7ce3-9aef-31ef87dcd5f0"
NILE_PASSWORD = "73d32231-1d21-4990-a4f4-g6447507c271"
# Client (public) env vars
# the URL of this example + where the api routes are located
# Use this to instantiate Nile context for client-side components
# Uncomment if you want to try Google Auth
# AUTH_TYPE=google

Install dependencies with yarn install or npm install.

6. Running the app

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

If all went well, your browser should show you the first page in the app, asking you to login or sign up.

After you sign up as a user of this example app, you'll be able to see this user by going back to Nile Console and running select * from users in the query editor.

Login with the new user, and you can create a new tenant and add tasks for the tenant. You can see the changes in your Nile database by running

select name, title, estimate, complete from
tenants join todos on

Learn More

To learn more about how this example works and how to use Nile:

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Known Issues

NodeJS 16.x

This example only wortks with Node 18 and above, because Nile SDK uses Node Fetch API, which was stabilized in Node 18.

Running on Node 16 will result in errors like: 400 unable to parse json or 400 email must not be empty even on valid non-empty requests.

Avatar of niledatabaseniledatabase/niledatabase

Multi-tenant AI-native todo list app with Nile

This template shows how to use Nile with NextJS for a multi-tenant AI-native TODO list application.

Use Case

Multi-tenant AI-native todo list app with Nile and NextJS 13

This template shows how to use Nile with NextJS 13 for a multi-tenant AI-native todo list application.

Deploy your own

Getting Started

1. Create a new database

Sign up for an invite to Nile if you don't have one already and choose "Yes, let's get started". Follow the prompts to create a new workspace and a database.

2. Create todo table

After you created a database, you will land in Nile's query editor. Since our application requires a table for storing all the "todos" this is a good time to create one:

create table todos (id uuid DEFAULT (gen_random_uuid()), tenant_id uuid, title varchar(256), estimate varchar(256), embedding vector(768), complete boolean);

If all went well, you'll see the new table in the panel on the left hand side of the query editor. You can also see Nile's built-in tenant table next to it.

3. Getting credentials

In the left-hand menu, click on "Settings" and then select "Credentials". Generate credentials and keep them somewhere safe. These give you access to the database.

4. 3rd party credentials

This example uses AI chat and embedding models to generate automated time estimates for each task in the todo list. In order to use this functionality, you will need access to models from a vendor with OpenAI compatible APIs. Make sure you have an API key, API base URL and the names of the models you'll want to use.

5. Setting the environment

If you haven't cloned this project yet, now will be an excellent time to do so. Since it uses NextJS, we can use create-next-app for this:

npx create-next-app -e nile-todo
cd nile-todo

Rename .env.local.example to .env.local, and fill in the username and password with the credentials you picked up in the previous step. As well as the API key, URL and model names.

It should look something like this (you can see that I used Fireworks as the vendor, but you can use OpenAI or any compatible vendor):

# Private env vars that should never show up in the browser
# These are used by the server to connect to Nile database
NILE_USER = "0190995c-44ab-7ce3-9aef-31ef87dcd5f0"
NILE_PASSWORD = "73d32231-1d21-4990-a4f4-g6447507c271"
# Client (public) env vars
# the URL of this example + where the api routes are located
# Use this to instantiate Nile context for client-side components
# Uncomment if you want to try Google Auth
# AUTH_TYPE=google

Install dependencies with yarn install or npm install.

6. Running the app

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

If all went well, your browser should show you the first page in the app, asking you to login or sign up.

After you sign up as a user of this example app, you'll be able to see this user by going back to Nile Console and running select * from users in the query editor.

Login with the new user, and you can create a new tenant and add tasks for the tenant. You can see the changes in your Nile database by running

select name, title, estimate, complete from
tenants join todos on

Learn More

To learn more about how this example works and how to use Nile:

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Known Issues

NodeJS 16.x

This example only wortks with Node 18 and above, because Nile SDK uses Node Fetch API, which was stabilized in Node 18.

Running on Node 16 will result in errors like: 400 unable to parse json or 400 email must not be empty even on valid non-empty requests.

Unleash New Possibilities

Deploy your app on Vercel and unlock its full potential