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Avatar of once-ui-systemonce-ui-system/magic-portfolio

Magic Portfolio for Next.js

Creative portfolio boilerplate built with Next.js. SEO-optimized, accessible, responsive. Includes projects, blog and gallery.

Use Case

Build your portfolio with Once UI's Magic Portfolio

View the demo here.

Getting started

Magic Portfolio was built with Once UI for Next.js. It requires Node.js v18.17+.

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Install dependencies

npm install

3. Run dev server

npm run dev

4. Edit config


5. Edit content


6. Create blog posts / projects

Add a new .mdx file to src/app/blog/posts or src/app/work/projects


Once UI

  • All tokens, components & features of Once UI


  • Automatic open-graph and X image generation with next/og
  • Automatic schema and metadata generation based on the content file


  • Responsive layout optimized for all screen sizes
  • Timeless design without heavy animations and motion
  • Endless customization options through data attributes


  • Render sections conditionally based on the content file
  • Enable or disable pages for blog, work, gallery and about / CV
  • Generate and display social links automatically
  • Set up password protection for URLs


  • A localized version of Magic Portfolio is available with the next-intl library
  • To use localization, switch to the 'i18n' branch


Connect with us on Threads or LinkedIn.

Lorant Toth: Threads, LinkedIn Zsofia Komaromi: Threads, LinkedIn

Localization added by François Hernandez

Get involved


Distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License.

  • Commercial usage is not allowed.
  • Attribution is required.

See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Deploy with Vercel

Avatar of once-ui-systemonce-ui-system/magic-portfolio

Magic Portfolio for Next.js

Creative portfolio boilerplate built with Next.js. SEO-optimized, accessible, responsive. Includes projects, blog and gallery.

Use Case

Build your portfolio with Once UI's Magic Portfolio

View the demo here.

Getting started

Magic Portfolio was built with Once UI for Next.js. It requires Node.js v18.17+.

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Install dependencies

npm install

3. Run dev server

npm run dev

4. Edit config


5. Edit content


6. Create blog posts / projects

Add a new .mdx file to src/app/blog/posts or src/app/work/projects


Once UI

  • All tokens, components & features of Once UI


  • Automatic open-graph and X image generation with next/og
  • Automatic schema and metadata generation based on the content file


  • Responsive layout optimized for all screen sizes
  • Timeless design without heavy animations and motion
  • Endless customization options through data attributes


  • Render sections conditionally based on the content file
  • Enable or disable pages for blog, work, gallery and about / CV
  • Generate and display social links automatically
  • Set up password protection for URLs


  • A localized version of Magic Portfolio is available with the next-intl library
  • To use localization, switch to the 'i18n' branch


Connect with us on Threads or LinkedIn.

Lorant Toth: Threads, LinkedIn Zsofia Komaromi: Threads, LinkedIn

Localization added by François Hernandez

Get involved


Distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License.

  • Commercial usage is not allowed.
  • Attribution is required.

See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Deploy with Vercel

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