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Ship faster with Serverless Postgres

Products by Neon Inc.


Serverless Postgres

Plans starting at $0


Ship Faster with Serverless Postgres

Neon takes everything developers love about Postgres — reliability, performance, extensibility — and delivers it as a serverless product that helps you ship reliable, scalable applications faster than ever.

By integrating Neon with Vercel, you can deploy a fully managed Postgres database in seconds with features like database branching, autoscaling, scale-to-zero, read replicas, authorization, a Drizzle Studio-powered table editor, an AI-enabled SQL client, instant point-in-time recovery, time travel queries, a low-latency serverless driver, and more. Neon offers a generous Free Plan and paid plans that grow with you from prototype to enterprise.


Selecting the right integration mode

There are two integration modes to select from:

  • Create New Neon Account: Installs the Neon Postgres native integration and creates a Neon account for you if you do not have one already. You get access to Neon features and plans. Billing is managed through Vercel. See the Install the Neon Native Integration for more information.

  • Link Existing Neon Account: Installs the Neon Postgres Previews Integration. Connects your Vercel project to your Neon database to create a database branch for each preview deployment. See the Install the Neon Previews Integration for more information.

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