Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study: Vercel delivered a 264% ROI

Paul StaelinChief Customer Officer

Boost developer velocity, increase conversions, and achieve a positive ROI in 2024 and beyond

Inefficient developer workflows. Poor user experience. Sluggish site performance. These are common woes that customers come to Vercel to alleviate. They result in costs that affect your team’s day-to-day workflow and impact your organization’s bottom line.

But stakeholders still want to know the answer to a simple question: What will the quantifiable ROI on Vercel be?

This is what you can tell them: By migrating to Vercel, businesses saw:

  • A three-year 264% ROI

  • $9.53M in quantifiable benefits

I’m pleased to debut the findings of The Total Economic Impact™ of Vercel’s Frontend Cloud, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting.

The Total Economic Impact™ of Vercel’s Frontend Cloud

Explore the full Jan. 2024 commissioned study, conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Vercel.

Get The Full Study

Research overview: Quantifiable benefits totaling $9.53M

To calculate these financial models, Forrester took a multistep approach to evaluating Vercel’s impact. This included interviews with Vercel customers to gather data on benefits, costs, and risks. From this, they created a composite organization based on the interviewed companies that deployed Vercel’s Frontend Cloud.

Like many of you, their goals were to:

  • Improve user experience

  • Improve developer experience

The research outlines a set of quantifiable advantages amounting to a three-year net present value of $9.53M, within each of these objectives:

Improved developer experience

  • Developers spend 90% less time managing frontend infrastructure on Vercel

  • Developers spend 80% less time building and deploying code on Vercel

  • Developers release four times more major website enhancements, thereby improving website performance by up to 90%, using Vercel

Pretty much overnight, we quit worrying about infrastructure completely. We’re really able to just focus on how we can differentiate our business and application in terms of user experience.
Principal Engineer, e-commerce

Improved user experience

  • Higher customer conversion rates on Vercel generate $2.6 million in incremental profits

  • Higher website traffic on Vercel generates $7.7 million in incremental profits

Features can be iterated on as quickly as the team is able to.
Senior Frontend Engineer, financial services

Build, scale, and secure in 2024

Every day, I have the privilege of speaking with Vercel customers reaping the benefits of the Frontend Cloud. That’s why I’m delighted, but not surprised, to see the results of this study.

I can’t wait to see more customers build, scale, and secure a faster, more personalized web in 2024 and beyond—and I hope this study sheds light on why your organization should join us!

Explore the full Jan. 2024 commissioned study

Learn more about businesses’ key challenges that were alleviated by Vercel: Efficiencies around infrastructure management, code deployment, feature delivery, and improved rates of conversion and web traffic.

Get The Full Study
